Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” _Matthew 2:13

Detours happen.

They’re not a part of your travel plans but there they are, flashing lights telling you to slow down, turn here, go there…its a part of the process of traveling these days.

As they say in North Dakota, “There are two seasons, winter and road construction.”

Heading off to Egypt was certainly not a part of Joseph’s travel plans for his new family. Technically, Jesus didn’t come to earth – born as a baby – so that He could travel to Egypt. But it was a necessary detour on the path that ultimately led Him to where He had planned to go–Calvary.

Detours happen…

But remember this, detours are necessary. Even through Joseph was not expecting the detour, God was not taken by surprise then and He is not taken by surprise now.

Maybe you find yourself scratching your head and saying, “This is not how I planned it!”

“This is not where I saw myself being!”

“This is not what I thought I was supposed to be doing!”

Patience friend, detours happen, but detours are designed to help you complete your journey.

The ONE THING for today: When unexpected change comes, a good question to ask is, “Is this a detour or a new assignment?” The answer to that question will go a long way in helping you to know what to do next.

Photo by Alexey Taktarov on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Detours

  1. “For we know that all things work together for good, to those who love Him, and to those who are called according to His purpose.” ”All things”, the good, the bad and the ugly, are all a part of His plan for us. Lord, help me to always remember that ALL of my journey has been directed by You to fulfill Your purpose for my life and others. Thanks my brother!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah…! Speaks to my personal detour. And yes, I have answered, ‘this is my new assignment.’ And may I complete it with His grace and strength. An apt verse:  


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