When his offering is a peace offering… _ Leviticus 3 (NKJV)

Peace offering were not required offerings they reflected devotion and reverence to God beyond the requirements.

  • Father God, I don’t want to put YOU in a church-shaped box. Today I devote all my life – word and deed (Colossians 3:17) – to YOU. I pray for peace…your peace (Shalom) to be upon all I am and all I do.

The one bringing the peace offering laid his hand on the head of the sacrificial animal identifying himself with the sacrifice.

  • Father God, I don’t want to do anything that I am not proud to attach my name to it. I want to sign my work today…all of it.

The one bringing the peace offering killed the animal himself.

  • Father God, there are tough things I must do myself. Yes, my faith can move mountains, but usually it is one shovel full at a time. Help me to not flinch from the tough decisions today, for the truth is, I am usually just one tough decisions away from the next level.

The one bringing the peace offering turned the offering over to the priest and they took it from there.

  • Father God, help me to not “play God”. There’s things that only I can do and then there’s things that only YOU can do. The outcome is up to YOU – your will be done. I am responsible to people but only YOU are responsible for people. I can try to help, but only YOU can save.

The ONE THING for today: Father God, this day is for YOU. I plan to give an effort that I will be proud to sign my name to, but I also pray that YOU will accept my efforts and sign your name to it as well.

To YOU be the glory forever, amen.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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