Who Knew God Cared so Much about Bread!

Then the priest shall take from the grain offering a memorial portion, and burn it on the altar…It is most holy of the offerings to the Lord made by fire..

__Leviticus 2:9-10 (NKJV)

Gracious Father GOD, I am reminded in my Bible reading today of how interested you are in the details.

I’ve heard all my life that the devil is in the details, they were wrong! The Deity is in the details. Who would have dreamed you cared so much about a grain offering!

The Deity is in the details.

All the discussion in Leviticus 2 (an entire chapter!?) about the proper way to bring grain offerings to you reminded me of Cain.  The problem was not that he brought his offering to You from his garden – after all, he was a “tiller of the soil”.

I suspect the problem was his attitude about it. He did not bring “fine flour”.  There was no oil or frankincense included.  There was no meticulous devotion. 

Turns out that the little details of life matter to You, they matter a lot!

The ONE THING for today: Father God, as I go through this day, help me both in the big things and in the little things to do them well and do them “as unto you.”

Turns out you are not just interested in what’s on the plate, but how it got there.

Photo by Nadya Spetnitskaya on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Who Knew God Cared so Much about Bread!

  1. I guess this is why I try not to “just throw a meal together” most of the time. To realize that every meal I cook is a tribute to the providence & goodness of God, will make every bite taste better.


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