Something that must be done today…

  • John 6:63 (NLT) And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

I think we grossly underestimate the importance of regularly and consistently reading our Bibles.  Bible reading to the Christian is like oxygen, water, food, gravity and sunlight to the human race: absolutely essential for existence.

Don’t think of your Bible reading as a luxury that you will do when you can really enjoy it and benefit from it.

Don’t think of your Bible reading as important: something that you should do but the world won’t come to an end if you miss a day or two (sort of like exercise).

Bible's Big Story - Bible & Coffee - Mar06
Bible’s Big Story – Bible & Coffee – Mar06 (Photo credit: crunklygill)

Don’t think of your Bible reading as a spiritual vitamin or like a good cup of coffee: something that may help you be healthier and gives you more energy; but something that can be hit-or-miss.

Don’t think of your Bible reading in the same way you do that “To do” list you’re behind on but will eventually get to.  You can’t “catch-up” on your Bible reading.  Catching up on your Bible reading is like holding your breath for a couple days and then “catching up.”

Rather, think of your Bible reading as one of the few absolutely essential things that you must everyday do to truly live.

Jesus couldn’t be more clearer: And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

While we were not privileged to actually live in the first century and hear Jesus speak, he has left us a record of his words: it is called the Bible.  Reading it is a daily “must do.”

I will say, however, that Bible reading and a good cup of coffee sure go good together :).

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